Being here in Florida with my mom for two weeks has been a little bitter-sweet. When a parent begins to fail in health it elicits all sorts of emotional ups and downs. You begin to realize that time is short and every minute spent with them is precious. You are especially cognizant of every physical variation from the norm for them. For my mom, one day will be good and my emotions are high then she might have a little physical problem and down my emotions go. With all of that you are constantly thinking about the little memories of their past and wanting to hold on to time and make it stop. "Just keep her where she is right now and don't let her fail anymore, Dear Lord". Tears come often. But you fight them back and try to put on a happy countenance and have faith that God is in control and knows best. I realize that everyone has to go through this time with their mom and dad and someday my kids will experience this with me, but it is still hard. So, I get up each morning and try to do all the things I can do for her that make her comfortable and happy. I try to bring up little stories of that past that we can laugh about and ask her questions about things so she can enjoy her memories too. I am blessed to have many good memories to enjoy with my mommy, Marian-the best mom that a girl could possibly have.

You are the best mom a girl could have. I know that Gram is happy having you there. I doubt Joanne cares for her the way you do. Enjoy your time there and we love you.
I lost my mom last year and those moments with them are so precious.
I am glad you had a Mom like that too!
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